Ingo Weiß
53545 Linz am Rhein
Ingo Weiß is many things, including a musician, and as such handles various saxophones and creative live electronics setups. He came to music rather late in life and quickly found his own musical language. He is mainly interested in free improvisation between new music and free jazz. He has released a number of albums and has performed at relevant festivals such as the Festival Météo. In our region, Ingo Weiß has attracted particular attention in recent years through his collaboration with Eva Zöllner, Stefan Kohmann and Peter Stock as well as Bernhard Günter and Horst Gottlob. Together with Sylvia Cordie and Kuno Wagner, he has also explored and reinterpreted the music of Hildegard von Bingen. ‘For me, communication, improvisation, sound, chance and reaction are terms that define my music. I want to make music that constantly challenges and surprises (me too!), invites you to listen and engage, irritates, questions listening habits and opens doors.’