Pestkapelle St. Sebastian und Rochus und Pestkreuz
Touristinformation Bendorf, 56170 Bendorf
in the Kulturpark Sayn
In 1666, the plague spread in Sayn. The parish priest at the time, Tilmann Baldens, regularly held mass with the plague-stricken residents. Around 100 people died of the plague and were buried under the square in front of the chapel. The priest fell ill himself and asked the residents to erect a cross in the place where masses were held. They found a chapel more appropriate. The people promised to build a chapel after the plague and to honour St Sebastian's Day.
In July 1670, the altar of the chapel was consecrated by Bishop Johannes von Azoten in honour of the Mother of God, St Sebastian and St Roch. A plague cross was erected in 1783. In 1907, a commemorative plaque was placed in the chapel which reads:
‘Tilmann Baldems, pastor in Sayn, Father of the Premonstratensian Abbey of Sayn, dies as the last victim of the plague after preparing over 100 plague sufferers for death in two months. ‘The good shepherd gives his life for his sheep’. The grateful parish community.’
The chapel was restored in 1983. In 2000, it was replastered and repainted so that it could be used for church services again a year later.
Cultural monument
The Plague Chapel of St Sebastian and St Roch and the Plague Cross are cultural monuments in accordance with Section 8 of the German Monument Protection Act (DSchG) and are listed in the ‘Mayen-Koblenz District’ register of monuments. (Source: Milena Bagic, University of Koblenz, 2015; ‘Pestkapelle Sankt Sebastian und Rochus und Pestkreuz in Sayn’. In: KuLaDig, Culture.Landscape.Digital. URL: )