Römerturm Bendorf | © Stadt Bendorf

Römerturm am UNESCO Welterbe Limes

Touristinformation Bendorf, 56170 Bendorf

A unique Limes experience space was created in 1912 on the Pulverberg, at the intersection of Rheinsteig and Saynsteig. This includes the listed reconstruction of a Roman watchtower, which was extensively restored in 2009/2010. The Roman Tower at the Limes UNESCO World Heritage Site in Bendorfer Stadtwald is a popular destination for hikers and visitors interested in history.

A unique Limes experience space was created in 1912 on the Pulverberg, at the intersection of Rheinsteig and Saynsteig. This includes the listed reconstruction of a Roman watchtower, which was extensively restored in 2009/2010. The Roman Tower at the Limes UNESCO World Heritage Site in Bendorfer Stadtwald is a popular destination for hikers and visitors interested in history.

Further information on visits, guided hikes along the Limes and scenic tours through the Tourist Information, Tel. 0049-2622-703-105 or touristinfo.sayn@bendorf.de

Römerturm am UNESCO Welterbe Limes

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56170 Bendorf Touristinformation Bendorf
Stadt Bendorf/Rhein
Touristinformation Bendorf
56170 Bendorf

Phone: (0049) 2622 703 105
E-mail: touristinfo.sayn@bendorf.de
Web: http://www.bendorf.de

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