St. Antonius Kirche | © Arne Houben

St. Anthony's Church

Koblenzer Staße 3, 56323 Waldesch

The Catholic parish church of St. Anthony was built in 1836 and housed a crucifixion group from the 18th century.

Waldesch is recorded as a temporary parish in the visitation records from the 14th century. Soon it loses its independence again and comes under the alternating pastoral care of the St. Kastor Abbey and the Carthusian monks of St. Beatus, who reside in chapels. The tireless requests to the Episcopal authority to regain the old parish rights remain unsuccessful for centuries. The last development towards "parish" is still known by the living generation today. The year 1906 finally brings new impulses to the people of Waldesch to persist in their zeal for the establishment of an independent parish. On May 1 of the same year, Vicar Stephan Jakob Rech is introduced as the first pastor in the newly created vicarage. Initially, Waldesch remains economically subordinate to the chapels. With parish vicar Johann Häbler (introduced in 1911), the vicarage achieves its independence in 1919 and is raised to a "chapel community." After another 25 years, on January 17, 1944, the lengthy negotiations and the constant efforts of the people of Waldesch reach their crowning conclusion. The elevation of the chapel community to a parish is achieved under Vicar Paul Zimmer. By document dated February 21, 1951, a long-standing situation was finally legalized at the urging of Pastor Werner Sandkaulen: Mariaroth and Naßheck are transferred from the parish of Dieblich to the parish of Waldesch. Looking back, it can be noted about the eventful history of the parish of St. Antonius Waldesch that it is both an "old" and a "young" parish at the same time. - May this observation symbolically affect the religious life in the parish: the old parish should be like the whole church, always young in its active religious life. Under Pastor Hans Lambert, a comprehensive renovation of the church building took place. In addition, the modernization of the church was initiated through a competition. The altar area has been redesigned, and the church's old structure is being re-conceived. The completion of the work took place in 1998. After that, the Catholic parish community decided to convert the old church nave into a community center. By installing a partition wall, the church space was reduced, and in the area of the old church, a ceiling was installed, thus creating additional space for a community center. The consecration and opening of the community center took place on November 28, 1999. A new Westfield organ was placed on the newly created gallery, which was consecrated in May 2001. The translation of the Latin document from January 17, 1944, which elevates the parish vicarage of St. Antonius in Waldesch to a parish and declares the church in honor of the holy abbot Antonius as the parish church, is located in the church area. Since 2009, the parish community of St. Antonius Waldesch has belonged to the parish community of Rhens-Spay-Brey-Waldesch, whose internet presence can be accessed via the following link:

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St. Anthony's Church

From 14.06.2021 until the 31.12.2025

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56323 Waldesch Koblenzer Staße 3
St. Antonius Kirche
Koblenzer Staße 3
56323 Waldesch

Phone: (0049) 02628 / 987045
Web: http://

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