St. Antoniuskirche | © T. Biersch

St. Antoniuskirche

St. Antoniuskirche, 55430 Urbar

St. Anthony Church

St. Antonisukirche has a baroque tower, which was rebuilt in 1891. The nave was built in the style of post-war modernism in 1954-57 according to the plans of the architect Hans Geimer from Bitburg. The very beautiful stained glass windows are by Jakob Schwarzkopf

St. Antoniuskirche | © T. Biersch
Kirche | © T. Biersch

St. Antoniuskirche

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55430 Urbar St. Antoniuskirche
Ortsgemeinde Urbar
St. Antoniuskirche
55430 Urbar

Web: http://www.hunsrü

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