Weingut Gebrüder Grimm
Bahnst. 7, 65366 Geisenheim
What should we start with?
Ah yes! How about Riesling, the most famous child of the Rheingau.
What should we start with?
Oh yes! How about Riesling, the most famous child of the Rheingau?
It made its first appearance here back in 1435.
While the French and English are fighting in Gerberoy, the people of Rheingau prefer to enjoy a drink. Right so.
Our Rheingau Riesling is a true master of transformation and a jack of all trades.
From crisp dry to elegantly sweet - it simply suits everything.
Or would you prefer a nice Pinot Blanc or fruity Sauvignon Blanc? You will also find what you're looking for with us.