Spielplan Schlosstheater | © Landesbühne Rheinland-Pfalz Schlosstheater Neuwied

From 14.06.2025 until the 15.06.2025

Junges Schlosstheater: Grau ist keine Farbe

Theaterplatz 3, 56564 Neuwied

Young Castle Theater Gray is not a color from June 10 to June 18, 2025 Theaterplatz 3, 56564 Neuwied Box office/Ticket reservations Tel: 02631 - 22288 Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 9:30 AM to 2:00 PM. Tuesday and Thursday 3:00 PM - 6:00 PMBox office open Tuesday to Friday: 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM Weekend: one hour before the performance starts Closed on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Six weeks of summer vacation. Six weeks of sunshine and the lightness of being! Snacks and drinks are available at the stand on the campsite. And a new person who wasn't there last year.... Injuries from shame, love, and arrogance lead to exclusions amid the oh-so-joyful vacation atmosphere. A dynamic arises between the perpetrators, victims, parents, people who are on vacation, and those who work there, from which there is (almost) no escape. Yet everything had started so harmlessly, hadn't it?

Junges Schlosstheater: Grau ist keine Farbe

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56564 Neuwied Theaterplatz 3
Landesbühne RheinlandPfalz im Schlosstheater
Theaterplatz 3
56564 Neuwied

Phone: (0049) 263122288
E-mail: info@schlosstheater-neuwied.de

Plan route

  • 14.06.2025
  • 15.06.2025
