Gebäude H 15 DSC_0009 | © Hallgarter Weinkeller

From 05.04.2025 until the 06.04.2025

OSTERMARKT im Hallgartener Weinkeller

Hattenheimer Straße 15, 65375 Oestrich-Winkel Hallgarten

Easter is just around the corner.....Experience the magic of spring at our Easter market. We cordially invite you.

You can sample all wines and sparkling wines from our range free of charge at the large tasting counter. You will receive attractive special discounts on our products. Our kitchen team will provide you with hearty hot and cold dishes. Coffee and a large cake buffet round off our culinary offer.

We look forward to seeing you!

OSTERMARKT im Hallgartener Weinkeller

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Hallgartener Weinkeller eG
Hattenheimer Straße 15
65375 Oestrich-Winkel Hallgarten

Phone: (0049) 6723 3369

Plan route

  • 05.04.2025
  • 06.04.2025
