Wilfried Schmickler | © A.Kiß-Kreuztalkultur

Wednesday, 18.06.2025

Rommersdorf Festspiele "Wilfried Schmickler - Herr Schmickler bitte!"

Stiftsstraße 2, 56566 Neuwied

Wilfried Schmickler - Mr. Schmickler, please! on Wednesday, June 18, 2025 in the Abbey Church of Rommersdorf Central ticket sales point: Tourist Information Neuwied, Marktstraße 59, 56564 Neuwied Phone 02631 8025555, Fax 02631 8025556 Ticket hotline 0651 9790777 (Mon.-Sat.: 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM) Central online ordering service: www.rommersdorf-festspiele.de

In his new program, it is called: "Mr. Schmickler, please!", and he gladly responds to this call: with his mix of spoken word, lyrical poems, and expressive singing, he continues to express outrage over social injustices and grievances in this world. WILFRIED SCHMICKLER aims to entertain seriously, to annoy in a cheerful manner, to uplift throughout the evening, with cascades of text, tirades of mockery, and songs of derision. With his call for more tolerance and compassion, he will continue to contribute to the "friendliness of the world"! WILFRIED SCHMICKLER has been awarded the four most important cabaret prizes: PRIX PANTHEON, DEUTSCHER KABARETTPREIS, DEUTSCHER KLEINKUNSTPREIS, and SALZBURGER STIER! He was with the WDR Midnight Spikes for almost 30 years ("Stop it, Mr. Becker") and every Monday just before 11, he presents the "Monday question" on WDR 2. Press reviews: "It is the somewhat quieter moments in which Wilfried Schmickler truly shines. Those in which he delivers polished sentences with outstanding precision, where he is sharp and yet poetic. When he tells stories with satirical wit or packs social criticism into verses of exquisite elegance beyond the also beloved enumeration of catchphrases, the full radiance of a cabaret artist is revealed" (Bonner Generalanzeiger) "Wilfried Schmickler, as a virtuoso wordsmith, has belonged to the top league of political cabaret artists in the country for decades!" (LVZ Leipzig, performance at Schauspielhaus 2016) Schmickler is among the best that small arts have to offer. It is sharp and clever, highly topical, and quite wicked. This is what cabaret should be. (AZ Mainz) "A master of words with drastic verbal power: Schmickler astonished with friendliness, was foaming and quiet, subtle, punning, and biting." (Aachener Zeitung)

Rommersdorf Festspiele "Wilfried Schmickler - Herr Schmickler bitte!"

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56566 Neuwied Stiftsstraße 2
Abtei Rommersdorf
Stiftsstraße 2
56566 Neuwied

Phone: (0049) 2622 837365

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  • 18.06.2025
