sayner Hütte | © Stiftung Sayner Hütte

Sunday, 13.07.2025


In der Sayner Hütte 4, 56170 Bendorf-Sayn


To let go, to exhale, to immerse oneself in the music and forget about time for a moment – "zeitgelöst" transcends the boundaries between music, time, and space, connecting traditional instruments from the Alpine region with new compositions and improvisations to create a spherical sound experience.

Eva Kuhn, vocals

Lisa Schöttl, dulcimer & recorders

Sarah Luisa Wurmer, zither


Supported by the Rheinland-Palatinate Cultural Summer

Ticket link to follow, more info at:


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56170 Bendorf-Sayn In der Sayner Hütte 4
Stiftung Sayner Hütte
In der Sayner Hütte 4
56170 Bendorf-Sayn

Phone: (0049) 2622 98 49 550

Plan route

  • 13.07.2025
