Various brochures

Various brochures

Hiking Map Rheinsteig and RheinBurgenWeg | © Romantischer Rhein Tourismus GmbH

Hiking map Rheinsteig and RheinBurgenWeg

Overview map showing trail routes & individual sections of the Rheinsteig, the RheinBurgenWeg and the Premium Circular Trails.

Cover "Premium-Rundwege im Rheintal" | © Romantischer Rhein Tourismus GmbH

Premium Circular Trails in the Rhine valley

The 32 Premium Circular Trails along the Romantic Rhine offer ultimate hiking enjoyment. Whether you’re planning a half-day or whole-day trip, a physically challenging or relaxed leisure hike – with trails ranging in length from 5km to 20km, everyone can create their own ideal itinerary.

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